
Accident Prevention Plan

(Your Company)
The purpose of this manual is to assist (Your Company) in the development of a company specific Accident Prevention Plan.
The material in this manual was collected and assembled from a wide variety of safety resources. The recommendation, standards and/or safe work practices are not necessarily all inclusive. This manual should be used as a guide only. The standards contained herein are overviews and not in their complete form. For more detailed information or clarification (Your Company) should refer to the applicable OSHA, Manufacturer or Industry Standards and recommendations.

For this manual to be effective, it should be modified by (Your Company) to address the site-specific safety concerns, tasks and projects of the company.


This manual is designed for all workers providing services for (Your Company).

The term (Your Company) refers to the company in control of the working conditions of the "employee".
The term "Supervisor" includes any person directing the actions of the "employee" while providing services for (Your Company).

Safety and Health Policy Statement

The safety and health policy of (Your Company) is based on the conviction that accidents which cause personal injury or loss of assets can be prevented. No area of company business is of greater importance than the safety and health of the men and women at this company.

(Your Company) will strive to provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment and establish rules, procedures and training pursuant to this goal.

(Your Company) encourages individual responsibility and supports a climate of safety awareness and enforcement of the safety program consistently and fairly. It is the responsibility of each employee to comply with safety rules and to work in such a manner as to prevent injuries to themselves and others.

The goal of (Your Company) is to perform the highest quality service as efficiently as possible while maintaining the safety and health of employees to the highest possible standard.
(The President)
Management/Employee Leadership
The success of (Your Company) safety program is dependent on managers and employees accepting their assigned safety responsibilities. The acceptance of these responsibilities will be the first step in the development of a safety culture. (Your Company) will hold company personnel accountable to the following safety responsibilities.
(The President)

(The President) has the responsibility to outline basic safety policy and assign specific safety responsibility throughout the Organization. He will give full support to these policies and procedures and hold employees accountable for completion of outlines activities.

(The President) responsibilities:
  1. Establish and support a comprehensive Accident Prevention Plan.
  2. With other members of his staff, issue a Safety Policy Statement.
  3. With input of employees, establish company goals and objectives.
  4. Regularly audit completion and effectiveness of assigned responsibilities.
  5. Ensure the following safety program components are in place and implemented the following guidelines of this manual:
  • Management Commitment and Assignment of Responsibility
  • Analysis
  • Recordkeeping
  • Education & Training
  • Audit/inspection
  • Incident Investigation
  • Periodic Review &Revision

  1. Insure safety standards and operating procedures are understood and implemented.
  2. Follow safety rules (set example).
  3. Solicit employee input on Supervisors and Accident Prevention Plan effectiveness.
  4. Continually reinforce the philosophy that safety is each and every employee’s responsibility.
  5. Support and reinforce rules and procedures with Supervisors, employees, visitors, vendors and contractors.



The Supervisor is the critical point of contact between the company and individual employee. The Supervisor should reinforce the philosophy that compliance and participation in (Your Company’s safety program is an employee responsibility. He must continually support, and as deficiencies are noted, train employees on the various rules, procedures, safe work practices and federal, state and local regulations.
The Supervisors will fulfil the following:
  1. Assist in the development of policies and procedures.
  2. Lead by example.
  3. Solicit employee input with regard to all Accident Prevention Plan activities.
  4. Consistently reinforce rules and procedures with employees, visitors, vendors and contractors.
  5. Understand and implement assigned responsibility as outlined in each section of this manual.
    • Management Commitment and Assignment of Responsibility
    • Analysis
    • Recordkeeping
    • Education & Training
    • Audit/inspection
    • Incident Investigation
    • Periodic Review &Revision
  6. Facilitate employee participation and completion of Accident Prevention Plan activities.
  7. Co-ordinate work activities to comply with Job Safety Analysis.
  8. Make available needed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and explain the why, when and where of its use.


Employees have a safety responsibility to themselves, their families, fellow workers, community and (Your Company). While accepting this responsibility in the performance of their duties, they shall be expected to observe safety rules and regulations, as well as the instructions relating to safe performance. Employees will be expected to actively participate and take responsibility for the activities outlined in this manual. A safe and sound operation is reached only when employees are conscious of and keenly alert to their safety responsibilities.

Employees shall fulfil the following:
  1. Know, understand and comply with the safety policy, rules, procedures and safe work practices.
  2. Assist in the development and review of rules and procedures.
  3. Attend, participate and periodically lead monthly Safety Meetings.
  4. Maintain good housekeeping in their area.
  5. Participate in Safety Inspections and Audits.
  6. Assist in the development of Job Safety Analysis.
  7. Attend and participate in required safety training activities.
  8. Stop, correct and report unsafe conditions.
  9. Identify safety problems and offer ideas for corrective action.
  10. Know the chemicals used in their area and comply with the related Material Safety Data Sheets.
  11. Report all accidents, injuries and near-miss incidents to their immediate Supervisors. Know how to recognize a near-miss and participate in accident investigation.
  12. Properly use and maintain required personal protective equipment.
  13. Observe and correct unsafe acts of visitors, contractors, vendors and fellow employees.
  14. Be responsibility for safety on the job
Analysis Component
  1. Analysis Component

    (The President) and the Supervisors are responsible for evaluating accident/incident reports, whether they be first aid, OSHA recordable, lost time or a near-miss. These reports should be analyzed for hazard exposures and unsafe behavioral trends that may exist.

    Monthly, (The President) and the Supervisors should review the data generated from the safety inspections. At this time, substandard conditions and unsafe work practices will be reviewed to verify corrective action has been implemented. Safe Work Practices will be continually reviewed and revised to meet the ever-changing needs in the work place.

    Continuous review and evaluation is conducted by (The President) and the Supervisors of the Safety Prevention Plan and related operational activities. Employee input will be solicited for necessary changes. An analysis report, written annually, is filed in the Accident Prevention Plan Manual.


The (Bookkeeper/Secretary) is responsible for maintaining documentation of training, accident reports, OSHA logs, hazard reports, incident reports and other information incidental to the implementation of this Accident Prevention Plan. (The President) is responsible to oversee recordkeeping requirements.

Blank forms for safety related training, incidents reports and any other activity that requires documentation is available from the (Bookkeeper/Secretary).

  1. Injury Records
    An injury log is maintained in the main office. Injuries should be recorded on an OSHA 300 form or equivalent within 24 hours of being reported. The summary portion of the OSHA 300 form will be posted from February 1 to March 1 each year in a place where employees notices are normally placed.

    STATEMENT (if any) will be filed for each recordable injury. These reports will be completed before the end of the work day by the Supervisors.

    Supervisors and employees are responsible to report, investigate and implement corrective action. These reports should be distributed by (The President) to other crews at (Your Company) job sites.

    (The President) will review incident reports for completeness and to verify corrective action has been implemented.

    Injury records will be retained for a period of 5 calendar years.

  2. Inspection Reports
    Inspection reports should be filed in the Supervisors safety manual as they occur. The documentation should include:
    1. Date of inspection.
    2. Name of inspector(s).
    3. Discrepancies found.
    4. Person(s) responsible for corrections.
    5. Estimated date of correction.

    These reports should be maintained for a minimum of 12 months or until discrepancies have been corrected, whichever is longer. (The President) is responsible to see the Supervisor complete the specified number of inspections.

  3. Safety Meetings
    Documentation will include:
    1. Date of safety meeting.
    2. Name of trainer/presenter.
    3. Outline of subject(s) covered.
    4. Signed attendance roster.
    A Safety Meeting Form will be completed for each Safety Meeting held and filed in the corresponding section of the Safety Manual.

  4. Training
    Documentation will include:
    1. Date of training.
    2. Name of trainer/presenter.
    3. Outline of subject(s) covered.
    4. Signed attendance roster.

    Training required by OSHA will be conducted on a timely basis and records will be maintained in accordance with OSHA guidelines.

    Specialized training such as confined space or respiratory protection will be provided and documented before employees will be permitted to perform tasks involving these exposures.

    A copy of completed Job Safety Analysis will be filed in the corresponding section of the Safety Manual.

    Task Safety Observation forms should be filed on a weekly basis in the Safety Manual.

    The Safety Contact forms should be filed on a monthly basis in the Safety Manual.

    New employee orientation: (The President) or (designee) is responsible for the completion and documentation of new employee orientation

    Training shall be documented and filed for a period of 24 months as required by law or directives.

  5. Incident Investigation Reports

    Accidents and near-miss incidents at this company resulting in injury or illness to a person, or property damage of any magnitude, or the potential of either will be investigated and documented.

    Incident investigation reports should be completed, with attached corrective actions, and filed and retained for a period of 24 months or as required by law.

Safety Education & Training

  1. Formal Training

    It is the policy of (Your Company) that employees receive training in the various OSHA standards, regulations and safe work practices that apply to their assigned tasks. The Supervisor has the primary responsibility to complete this training.

    (The President) should periodically audit training effectiveness and verify the proper documentation has been completed.

    Employee training should be reviewed and updated a minimum of once per year unless incidents or observations indicate immediate attention is needed.

    (For more details, refer to section titles "Training").

  2. New Employee Orientation

    (The President) will support and facilitate the development of the new employee orientation program. It is the responsibility of the Supervisor to provide the appropriate training and hazard information to the new employee. If a task(s) is considered hazardous this training should be completed before the employee is allowed to start work. This orientation should include as a minimum, basic safety requirements, regulations, guidelines and a general orientation of the work place.

    (For more details, refer to the section titled "New Employee Orientation ").

  3. Safety Meetings

    Monthly, the Supervisors should schedule and facilitate a crew safety meeting. This meeting should be conducted by the employees. The Supervisor’s role is to help organize the subject matter and assist employees with the presentation material.

    Employees are expected to attend the scheduled safety meetings, participate, identify problem areas and offer suggestions for corrective action.

    (The President) should periodically attend scheduled safety meetings to get feedback and audit meeting effectiveness.

    Tailgate safety meetings should be conducted before each work day. The Supervisor or assigned employee will be responsible to conduct these meetings. Periodically, (The President) should attend these meetings to audit contents and effectiveness.

    (For more details, refer to the section titled "Safety Meetings").

  4. Safety Contacts

    The Safety Contact is one of the most positive safety tools available when performed properly. Its main purpose is to increase the employee's safety awareness while performing different jobs and tasks. This is accomplished through a brief weekly discussion by the Supervisor, with each employee, referencing a particular safety topic. An example of this would be a simple reminder that safety glasses need to be worn when operating a circular saw.

    (For more detail, refer to section titled "Training")


Inspections & Audits

  1. Inspections

    (Your Company) is dedicated to providing a safe workplace, free of recognized hazards. Safety inspections are a key component of the Accident Prevention Plan. The identification of hazards is primarily dependent on the hazard awareness and responsible participation of employees. Employees are expected to inspect the equipment and job site for any unsafe or substandard conditions. When an unsafe condition is identified, the employee is expected to repair, tag, and/or report the item to their Supervisor.

    Monthly, or as required by law, the Supervisor and one or more employees should conduct a formal job site inspection. These inspections will be documented and returned to (The President) upon completion. Identified hazards will be tagged, barricaded or corrected in a timely manner.

    (The President) should periodically review this list to verify corrective action has been completed. He will periodically participate in scheduled job site inspections.

    (For more details, refer to section titled "Inspections & Audits')

  2. Audits

    (The President) will continuously audit the inspection and other elements of the Accident Prevention Plan. Such as: recordkeeping, new employee orientation, training requirements, job safety analysis, safety meetings, incident reporting and investigation and the Hazard Communication Program.

    As part of the audit process, (The President) will attend and participate in various Accident Prevention Plan activities.


Incident Reporting, Investigation & Analysis

It is the policy of (Your Company) that incidents be promptly reported. The depth of the review or investigation will be determined by the severity or potential severity and probability of reoccurrence. this incident investigation program will provide an opportunity for (Your Company) to evaluate and correct deficiencies found within the Accident Prevention Plan.

The SUPERVISOR’S REPORT OF INJURY report should be completed by the Supervisor no later than the end of the day in which the incident occurred. This report should be forwarded to (The President) or designee for review and distribution.

Investigations should be conducted as soon as possible but no later than 24 hours after the incident has occurred.

Employees and Supervisors will be responsible for correction of deficiencies identified during the incident investigations. (The President) will verify corrective action has been implemented. Periodically (The President) with his staff will review and analyze incident trends and develop a plan of corrective action.

(For more details, refer to section titled "Incident Reporting & Investigation")


Periodic Review & Revision

(The President) and the Supervisors will conduct an overall review and evaluation of the entire Accident Prevention Plan. The reviews will be completed on an annual basis. The areas to be reviewed are as follows:

  1. All existing safety program documentation.
    • Incident investigation reports.
    • Inspection results.
    • Inspection records.
    • Training records and related documents.
    • Task Safety Observations.
    • Safety Contact reports.
    • Job Safety Analysis.
    • Safety meeting minutes.
    • Injury and near-miss reports and corrective actions.
    • Program review reports.
    • Safety checklist and permits.
    • Specific training topics and needs.

  2. New operations and/or new hazard exposure.
    • New equipment and work sites.
    • New employees.
    • Environmental conditions.
    • New related standards or training.

  3. Accident Prevention Plan (proper implementation and effectiveness).

  4. Any other related safety and health matters.

A formal report will be posted to inform employees about any changes or revisions which have been made to the Accident Prevention Plan.



  1. Purpose

    The main purpose of employee training is to verify the employee’s knowledge and skill on the various jobs and tasks they are expected to perform. These activities promote awareness, a vital component to the elimination of accidents and injury. The training process will outline and clarify the basic skill requirements to perform the job in the safest possible manner.

  2. Responsibilities

    It is primarily the Supervisor’s responsibility to facilitate and assist the employees with the outlined training requirements. This training may be hands on, verbal or written material provided to the employee.

    It is the responsibility of the employee to inform the Supervisor of skill or task deficiencies.

    The Supervisor should periodically follow up employee training with the use of the Task Safety Observation Form, to verify understanding and reinforce the importance of compliance.

    (The President)'s role is to outline the company's training needs. (The President) should assist the Supervisor in acquiring the needed training materials and information. (The President) will periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the training program. Annually, management will evaluate the program for any additional training that may be required.

    (For new employees, refer to section titled "New Employee Orientation")

  3. Training Guidelines

    • General Requirements.
    • Housekeeping & Sanitation.
    • Services & First Aid.
    • Protective Equipment.
    • Fire Suppression & Prevention.
    • Signs & Placards.
    • Power & Hand Tools (if used).
    • Electrical Standards.
    • Equipment Guarding.
    • Stairways & Ladders (if used).
    • Hazard Communication.
    • Accident Reporting Procedures.
    • Back Injury Prevention.
    • Drug abuse Policy.
    • Lockout/Tag out.
    • Driver Safety.
    • Training Guidelines
    • All Job Related Safe Work Practices.
  4. Documentation
    1. Documentation is needed whether the training is completed during a safety meeting or while on the job.

    2. If training is completed during a safety meeting briefly outline the subject matter and have all persons in attendance sign meeting form.

    3. If training occurs while on the job, fill out the appropriate form with a description of the subject matter and signature of the employee(s).

    4. Training should be documented. This documentation will follow the guidelines as set forth in the recordkeeping portion of thismanual.

  5. Safety Contacts
    1. Purpose.

      The safety contact is a planned safety tip conducted mainly by the Supervisor with the employees he/she supervises. The safety contact is a brief, direct, person to person communication between the Supervisor and employee. As most of us know injuries typically occur not due to lack of knowledge but lack of awareness.
      The safety contact is designed to do just that, increase employee awareness while performing their various jobs and tasks. The contact topics can be selected from a number of sources:

      • Accident Experience.
      • Observed Behaviors.
      • Task Safety Observations.
      • Near-Miss Incidents.
      • Inspections.
      • New Jobs or Equipment.
      • Seasonal Changes.
      • Safety Meeting Discussions.
      • Job Safety Analysis.
      • Reinforce Training Topics.
      • Particularly Hazardous Jobs.
      • Unsafe Conditions or Work Practices Identified with Other Crews.

    2. Responsibilities.
      1. Supervisor
        Weekly, each Supervisor should conduct a minimum of one safety contact, individually, with each employee he supervises.

      2. (The President)
        Monthly, (The President) should review the Safety Contacts for content and completeness.

    3. Guidelines
      1. One on one.
      2. Positive reinforcements.
      3. Brief and to the point.
      4. Relevant to a specific job, task or condition.
      5. Minimum of one per employee per week.
      6. More frequent with new employees or employees with frequent accident history.
      7. Pick a time and place free from interruptions and distractions.
      8. Record safety contact topics.

      The safety contact is one of the most positive activity we have to impact the safety attitude and culture within the company. It simply shows concern, creates awareness with recognized hazards, develops a better line of communication and reinforces safe work practices and training.

      Good communication has many other benefits to the company besides heightened safety awareness. Improved morale, increased efficiency, improved quality, lower absenteeism and better care of company equipment and customers. All these things add up to lower operating costs, which allows the company to be more competitive and offer a greater opportunity for expansion and longevity.

      Remember: The relationship or attitude between employees and management will have more impact on the success or failure of the safety program and possibly the company than all other factors combined.
Employee Training Summary Company Name:                                   Employee Name                                




My signature next to a training topic shows that I have been trained in and fully understand that the training topic.

Training Topic Date Signature Date Signature
Accident Prevention Plan        
New Employee Orientation        
Incident Investigation        
Job Safety Analysis        
Hazard Communication        
General Requirements        
Housekeeping & Sanitation        
Personal Protective Equipment        
Signs & Placards        
Power & Hand Tools        
Machine Guarding        
Stairways & Ladders        
Back Injury Protection        
First Aid & CPR        
Lockout / Tag out        
Hearing Conservation        
Respiratory Protection        
Confined Space        


Employee JSA Training Summary Company Name:                                   Employee Name                                



My signature next to the JSA number and date shows that I have been trained in and fully understand that Job Safest Analysis.

Training Topic Date Signature Date Signature



Initial Observation _                                                                                                          follow-up Observation _



Description of Task
List job steps and precautions:
List required Personal Protective Equipment:


_ Physical Safety Controls Not in Place or Unsafe Conditions Observed:
_ Inadequate guards or barriers. _ Inadequate or improper personal protective equipment.
_ Defective tools, equipment, or materials. _ Exposure to, rough/sharp objects, edges, or other surfaces. Please describe checked items.
_ Exposure to moving or rotating parts. _ Noise exposure.
_ Congestion in aisles or walkways. _ Chemical exposure.
_ Exposure to hot surfaces. _ Inadequate lighting.


Please describe checked items:


Safe Behavior Observed:

_ PPE-proper wearing. _ Using proper, tools, equipment.
_ Proper transport techniques. _ Proper body posturing.
_ Following established procedure. _ Good housekeeping.





Unsafe Behavior Observed:

_Improper lifting techniques. _Poor housekeeping.
_Using defective equipment. _Improper position for task
_Working at improper speed _Improper disposal of waste.
_Service equipment in operation. _Improper hand placement.
_Not using PPE. _Removing safety devices.
_Not following established procedure.  


Please Describe Checked Items:






Training Roster

Name  Date

Task Auditor                                              Date                               



  1. Policy
    It is the policy of this company that new employees receive orientation and instruction on general safety hazard awareness. In addition, employees will receive any specialized training required to safely and properly perform his/her job duties. It is the employee’s responsibility not to perform any job with which they are not familiar. (Your Company) will expect employees to inform supervision of their job knowledge deficiencies. No one knows those deficiencies better than the employee.

  2. Responsibility
    1. (The President)
      (The President) will help develop and give assistance to the New Employee Orientation Program. He will be responsible to periodically audit the effectiveness and completeness of this program.
    2. Supervisor
      The Supervisor will be the person primarily responsible for the completion of the New Employee's Orientation. After the initial orientation, the Supervisor should continually solicit employee feedback on specific training needs and deficiencies. The Supervisor should also fulfil the following:
      1. Keep a record of employee attendance and training.
      2. Personally, be familiar with the content of the required training.
      3. Reinforce the concepts and practices of the training in day to day operations.
      4. Perform Task Safety Observations on new employees at least once per week for a month or longer if needed.
    3. Employee
      It is the responsibility of the employee to make the Supervisor aware of the jobs and tasks in which they are unfamiliar or not comfortable to perform. No one knows the employee’s skill level better than the employee.

  3. Documentation
    With today's legal environment, training should be documented whenever possible and should include the following:
    • Name of trainer.
    • Subject.
    • Brief outline of material.
    • Employees name and signature.
    • Date.

  4. Purpose and Guidelines
    When new employees come to work they immediately begin to form impressions about the company, job, supervision and fellow employees. This impression will be formed by the things said and sometimes by the things not said. It is important that during this initial period the employee clearly understand the safety policies of the company and his/her role and expected participation.

    Like anyone in unfamiliar surroundings, new employees are not likely to fully grasp all of the job requirements and hazards they face. For many, they lack experience and confidence and may be hesitant to ask for help. For others, it's simply the fact of being in unfamiliar surroundings. The success of the safety effort will be dependent on the employee communicating "what they know and don't know". It is imperative the employee understand that it is "OK" to say they do not understand a particular job or task. The alternative is to experience poor job performance or worse yet, personal injury.

    New employees will try to make a good impression. Many will take risks and be hesitant to admit job knowledge deficiencies. Remember, over 50% of work place injuries occur to employees who have been employed less than 12 months. It's not surprising then that 70% of work place fatalities involve new employees in the same 12-month period.

    Many people often ask, "Where do I start?" The answer is really pretty simple.
    1. No matter how fast you talk, you cannot cover every rule in one day and you should not try.
    2. Ask the employee a series of questions to determine their job knowledge and experience. Remember, you have to ask New employees may be hesitant to admit job knowledge deficiencies.
    3. Employees should be trained in a General Hazards Safety Orientation.
    4. After being assigned to a crew, the Supervisor should begin to train the employee in job specific standards and work practices.

    The new employee General Hazards Safety Orientation is designed to provide basic safety knowledge. It will also be a time to reinforce or review information he/she may know or in some cases not know. Safety awareness and building a foundation for the proper safety attitude is the primary function of this General Hazards Orientation. Remember, the new employee's attitude will be greatly impacted (positively or negatively) by this initial orientation.


General Hazards Safety Orientation

Listed below is an example of a general training orientation outline.

General Introduction to The Company

  • Attitude.
  • Employee safety responsibility: It is the employee’s responsibility not to perform any job that they are not competent, familiar or comfortable performing.
Emergency Reporting Procedures
  • How to report an accident/injury:
    • Accidents, injuries & near-miss incidents must be reported the Supervisor. THE SUPERVISOR’S REPORT OF INJURY & supplemental investigation reports is to be completed by end of work day.
  • Emergency numbers and location of nearest medical facility.
  • First aid kit location (in every truck or job trailer).
  • Evacuation.
  • Safety Signs & Tags
  • No smoking.
  • Danger or caution.
  • Speed limit signs.
  • Defective equipment tags.
  • Lockout / Tag out.
  • High voltage.

Personnel Protective Equipment

  • Hard hats.
  • Steel toed shoes.
  • Safety glasses, goggles & face shield.
  • Hearing protection.
  • Respiratory protection.
  • Proper dress.
    • Hair length.
    • Jewelry.
    • Clothes.

General Lifting Requirements

  • Back injuries are the most common disabling injuries, but with proper training and the use of common sense most of these injuries can be prevented.

  • Preparing to lift:
    • Check the load. If it looks to heavy, ask for help.
    • If the object has rough or sharp edges, wear suitable gloves.

  • Making the lift:
    • Lift with your legs.
    • Keep the load as close to your body as possible. Don't twist or turn, move your feet instead.
    • When lowering the load, reverse the process.

  • Use mechanical aids when possible. Reduce the amount of physical lifting.

Hand & Power Tools

  • Inspection before each use.
  • Selection of the right tool.
  • Maintenance & Storage.
  • Using tool for its intended purpose.
  • Stop and unplug equipment to make adjustments.


  • Importance of guards.
  • Procedure to follow.
  • All guards in place before operating equipment.

Electrical Equipment

  • Grounding.
  • Inspection.
  • Danger signals.
  • Electrical tool & extension cords.

Fire Safety & Prevention

  • Fire extinguishers location (each piece of heavy equipment, truck & job site).
  • Housekeeping.
  • Storage of flammable liquids.
  • Smoking.

Heavy Equipment (Dozers, Back-hoes, Maintainers, etc.).

  • Only experienced & trained operators.
  • Riders not allowed.
  • Safe speed on poor roads or slopes.
  • Seat belts.
  • Backing up:
    • Check for personnel & clearance. Operators should walk around equipment.
    • Be aware of other employees and blind spots. Back up alarms, mirrors & spotters.
    • Inspect equipment daily (informal), weekly (formal).
  • Make sure all safety devices are working.
  • Inspect wire ropes: replace frayed, broken or kinked wire rope.
  • Never fuel running equipment.
  • Never get on or off moving equipment.
  • Don't jump, use 3-point contact with the machine when getting on or off. (Two feet, one hand or two hands, one foot).
  • Keep deck and equipment clean.

Company Vehicles (Driving safety)

  • The driver is responsible for a visual vehicle inspection before use.
  • Do not operate if the vehicle has defective tires, brakes or steering, etc.
  • Observe speed limits at all times.
  • Seat belts are to be worn by all occupants.
  • Keep truck beds and cabs clean.
  • Report all mechanical problems immediately.
  • Equip all materials that overhang the vehicle with red flags.
  • Make sure all tools and equipment are secured.
  • Absolutely no alcoholic beverages or drug use will be tolerated while operating or riding in any company vehicle at any time. This includes after work. (No operating any company vehicle after you have had alcoholic beverages or drug use will be tolerated either).


  • Inspect before use.
  • Right ladder for job (weight, load,height).
  • Never use a defective ladder. Immediately tag and take out of service.
  • Always use both hands when climbing ladder. Use a hoist or rope for lifting tools or carry in a tool pouch.
  • Avoid reaching too far to the side.
  • Do not stand on the top three rungs.

Rigging Safety, Loads & Hand Signals (chains, slings)

  • Inspect chains for wear and stress.
  • Never use fatigued chains, boomers or slings.
  • Never lift load by point of the hook.
  • Follow manufacturers safe load limits.
  • Give adequate clearance to overhead power lines or obstructions.
  • Never leave the load suspended.
  • No employee shall work or walk under suspended load.
  • Never stand under back-hoe or loader buckets.
  • Only trained individuals in the proper use of hand signals will be allowed to direct load.
  • Beware of frayed wires and pinch points.
  • Anticipate swing and roll of object to be lifted.
  • Use tag line or hook to guideload.
  • Never place yourself between material, equipment or other objects and the load.

Lockout/Tag out

  • Before an employee repairs or maintains any piece of equipment, electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic, it must first be Locked Out and Tagged.
  • Lockout/Tag out means zero energy
  • Locking is the only sure way to prevent accidental start-up or unplanned release of stored energy.
  • If you are unsure, Stop and Ask.
  • Your Supervisor will direct and train you in the specifics of the Lockout/Tag outprogram.

Confined Space

  • No untrained employee will be allowed to enter a confined space.
  • Never trust your senses. They cannot detect odorless gases or lack of oxygen.
  • Some examples of a confined space are: Storage tanks, process vessels, sewers, pump rooms, open top tanks, trenches or pits over four feet deep.
  • It may also be a confined space if it meets the following: If there is a lack of or little natural ventilation.
    • If the area has limited or difficult means for entry or exit.
    • If the area is not designated for continuous human habitation.
  • Some of the dangers of confined space include: Lack of oxygen.
    • Presence of toxic vapors or gases.
    • Possibility of flammable or explosive atmospheres. Danger of equipment activation.

Hazard Communication

  • Right-to-know refers to your "Right to Know" what hazardous chemicals and materials you may be exposed to on the job site.

New Employee Orientation

  • Every hazardous substance that has been identified has a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) which tells you what the substance is, what dangers you may encounter and how to properly protect yourself from the substance.
  • Some items that would not ordinarily be hazardous become hazardous when heated or mixed with other chemicals.
  • Employees will be trained in the hazards of each chemical or substance to which they may be exposed.
  • It is the employee’s responsibility not to handle any chemical or substance of which they are not familiar.

New Employee Orientation
General Orientation Training Certificate

As the undersigned, I am certifying that I have received a General Orientation of the anticipated basic operation I will be exposed to while working for (Your Company) at the location stated below.


Employee Name:                                               

Employee Signature:                                               

Supervisor Name:                                               

Supervisor Signature:                                               




  1. Policy

    (Your Company) is dedicated to providing a safe workplace, free of recognized hazards. Safety inspections and audits are a key component of this Accident Prevention Plan. The identification of hazards is primarily dependent on the hazard awareness and participation of employees. Employees are expected to inspect the equipment and the job site for any unsafe or substandard conditions. They will also be expected to repair, tag and/or report deficiencies to the Supervisor.

    To accomplish this objective, the company had developed a planned structured process for the maintenance of safe work conditions.

  2. Purpose

    The purpose of formal and informal inspections is to compare present conditions to specified standards and to train employees to recognize substandard conditions as they are encountered during the day to day operation. Ideally, unsafe conditions will be identified and corrected as they occur. The formal inspections should be a double check to verify nothing has been over looked. Much of the success will be dependent on the employee’s knowledge, experience and level of participation. The following is an outlined explanation of the inspection and audit process:

  3. Types of Safety Inspections
    1. Informal
      Informal inspections are the type every employee, regardless of job, should continually make.
      1. Employee
        1. Employees should use their knowledge and experience of work practices and equipment to identify deficiencies.
        2. At the start of each job, a visual inspection of tools, process equipment, vehicles and the general work area should be performed.
        3. Informal inspections are a regular part of every employee's job and individual responsibility
      2. Supervisor
        1. The Supervisors should be constantly alert to unsafe acts and conditions.
        2. The Supervisors should continually check equipment, machinery, tools, vehicles and general conditions as a routine procedure.
    2. Formal inspection
      1. Employee
        1. Weekly, or as close to weekly as possible, employees that operate equipment or drive company vehicles should conduct a documented formal inspection.

        2. Customized safety check sheets should be used as a guide and filed in the safety manual. Items found to be substandard should be repaired, tagged, and/or taken out of service. Deficiencies should be recorded by the Supervisor in the safety work order log.

        3. Monthly, one or more employees will be responsible to conduct a walk around inspection. this inspection should include:
          • Job site housekeeping.
          • Vehicles (trucks, dozers, back-hoes, etc.).
          • Equipment (ladders, scaffold, pumps, electrical cords, shop tools, etc.).

        4. Weekly, the Supervisors should participate in a minimum of one employee vehicle and equipment inspection. The purpose is to verify effectiveness and to demonstrate the importance of these types of inspections.

        5. Monthly, the Supervisors should participate in the employee’s formal inspections. The Supervisor should assist the employees with information on the applicable standards and regulations. Although it is primarily the employee’s responsibility, the Supervisor should co- ordinate the time and follow up corrective action. This is also the time for the Supervisor to verify the employee’s knowledge and understanding of the various standards and requirements.Supervisor
    3. Reporting Unsafe/Substandard Conditions.
      Upon recognition of a substandard condition, immediate action should be taken to eliminate the hazard. The reporting of unsafe conditions is largely dependent on the participation of each employee. Every unsafe condition creates the potential of personal injury to other employees or personnel. If immediate correction of the unsafe condition is not possible, other actions should be initiated in the following order:
      1. Immediate corrective action.
        If possible the substandard condition should be immediately corrected by the person making the observation.
      2. Interim action.
        If a hazard cannot be eliminated, the person or persons recognizing the hazard should take interim action (i.e. tagging, barricading, etc.).
      3.  Reporting.
        After interim action is taken, the hazard should be reported to the job
        Supervisor for correction.
    4. Benefits.
      1. Provides continuity with the various crews.
      2. Provides training in applicable standards.
      3. Increases hazard recognition and awareness.
      4. Allows employees input and participation in the Accident Prevention Plan.
      5. Opportunity for management to demonstrate commitment.
      6. Reviews the effectiveness of the informal and routine surveillance inspections process.

  4. Safety Inspection Checklist
    1. Guidelines.
      1. Checklists should be customized to identify various pieces of equipment and job site requirements.
      2. The checklists should be filled out carefully and completely.
      3. The original inspection form should be returned to (The President) and filed in the safety manual.
      4. The results of the inspection should be reviewed during the monthly safety meetings.
      5. Periodically, the checklist should be reviewed for accuracy and effectiveness.
      6. A combination of (The President), Supervisor and employees should be involved in the checklist review.

  5. Safety Work Order Log
    To ensure substandard conditions are corrected and to facilitate tracking, each area should maintain a safety work order log.
    (The President) should be responsible for the upkeep of the log and verify the timely correction of identified deficiencies and substandard conditions. The safety work order log should include the following:
    • Description of the hazardous condition.
    • Priority.
    • Date.
    • Interim action taken.
    • Schedules completion.
    • Person responsible for corrective action.

    This log should be posted and reviewed at the scheduled safety meetings. Status of deficiencies completed and/or outstanding should be communicated to employees.

    NOTE: To the employee, the substandard condition they report carries the highest priority.


  6. Audits
    (The President) will continuously audit the inspection process and other elements of the Accident Prevention Plan, such as, recordkeeping, new employee orientation, training requirements, job safety analysis, safety meetings, incident reporting and investigation and the Hazard Communication Program.

    As part of the audit process, (The President) will attend and participate in various Accident Prevention Plan activities.



Company Name:                                           

Job Address:                                                  


Safety Field Rep.:                                          

 Paper Work

Are the following required posters conspicuously posted and communicated to the employees?

Code No Yes  
A001 _ _ EEOC
A002 _ _ Job Safety and Health (OSHA poster).
A003 _ _ Minimum Wage Law.
A004 _ _ Emergency Phone Numbers.
A005 _ _ OSHA 300 log posted in February.
A006 _ _  
A007 _ _  
A008 _ _  
A009 _ _  
A010 _ _  


Is the following required documentation readily accessible and communicated with employees?

B001 _ _ Copies of OSHA construction and applicable general industry standards.
B002 _ _ OSHA 300 log.
B003 _ _ Copy of Assured Grounding Conductor Program if in use).
B004 _ _ Maintenance records for equipment (cranes, material hoists, etc.).
B005 _ _ Proof of safety and equipment training.
B006 _ _ Written respiratory protection program(if respirators are in use).
B007 _ _ Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
B008 _ _ Safety Meeting scheduled and posted.
B009 _ _ Written Hazardous Communication Program.
B010 _ _ Employee medical records when required for hazard for noise exposure.


 Housekeeping Sanitation & Environment
C001 _ _ General nearness of work area.
C002 _ _ Regular disposal of debris and waste.
C003 _ _  Passageways and walkways clear.
C004 _ _  Adequate lighting.
C005 _ _  Projecting nails removed.
C006 _ _  Oil and grease removed from floor.
C007 _ _  Waste containers provided and used.
C008 _ _  Sanitary facilities adequate.
C009 _ _  Sanitary facilities clean and disinfected.
C010 _ _  Adequate supply of drinking water.
C011 _ _  Drinking water potable.
C012 _ _  Trash can for disposable drinking cup.
C013 _ _  Drinking cups or sterilized drinking fountain.


 First Aid
D001 _ _ Hand and eye wash facilities when exposure hazard is present.
D002 _ _  First aid supplies well stocked and accessible.
D003 _ _  First aid kit signed by Doctor.
D004 _ _  Certified first aid person on duty when required.
D005 _ _  First aid supplies including responder protective equipment.
D006 _ _  First aid instructions on the job.
D007 _ _  Telephone number and location of nearest medical facility.


 Personal Protective Equipment
E001 _ _ Eye protection.
E002 _ _ Hard hats.
E003 _ _ Safety shoes.
E004 _ _ Hearing protection.
E005 _ _ Respiratory protection.
E006 _ _ Life preservers when working near water.



Fire Prevention
F001 _ _ Emergency fire procedures for employees.
F002 _ _  Fire extinguishers identified, accessible, and inspected.
F003 _ _  Hydrants clear with access for fire department.
F004 _ _  Good housekeeping.
F005 _ _  “NO SMOKING” signs posted and no smoking enforced where needed.


Flammable Gases and Liquids
G001 _ _ All containers clearly identified.
G002 _ _ Gasoline in safety cans.
G003 _ _ Proper storage practices observed.
G004 _ _ Proper storage temperatures and protection.
G005 _ _ Proper type and number of extinguishers positioned and mounted.


Barricades and Signs
H001 _ _ Floor openings planked and barricade.
H002 _ _ Roadways and sidewalks posted.
H003 _ _ Proper signs posted.
H004 _ _ Flag-men have proper clothing and signaling.
H005 _ _ Adequate lighting provided.
H006 _ _  


Hand Tools
I001 _ _ Defective or broken tools tagged.
“Do Not Use”.
I002 _ _ Proper tool being used for each job.
I003 _ _ Neat storage.
I004 _ _ Inspection and maintenance being. one.
I005 _ _ Damaged tools repaired or replaced promptly.


Handling and Storage of Materials
J001 _ _ Neat storage areas, clear passageways.
J002 _ _ Material neatly stacked.
J003 _ _ Approved canopy guards and rollover protection.
J004 _ _ Rated lifting capacity posted on lifting equipment.
J005 _ _ Stacks on firm footing, not to high.
J006 _ _ Appropriate number of workers for each task.
J007 _ _ Workers lifting loads correctly.
J008 _ _ Protection against falling into hoppers and bins.
J009 _ _ Dust protection observed.
J010 _ _ Fire extinguishers and other fire protection provided.
J011 _ _ Traffic routing and control.


Power Tools
K001 _ _ Tools tagged “Do Not Use” if defective.
K002 _ _ Tools and cords in good condition.
K003 _ _ Proper guarding.
K004 _ _ Proper switch for tool being used.
K005 _ _ Proper instruction in use.
K006 _ _ All mechanical safeguards in use.
K007 _ _ Tools neatly stored when not in use.
K008 _ _ Safeties on air lines to prevent accidental disconnection.
K009 _ _ Proper tool being used for the job.


Equipment Maintenance
L001 _ _ Planned maintenance and inspection
L002 _ _ Adequate equipment records.


Welding and Cutting
M001 _ _ Welding cylinder carts.
M002 _ _ Qualified operators.
M003 _ _ Screens and shields.
M004 _ _ Goggles, gloves, clothing.
M005 _ _ Equipment in good operating condition.
M006 _ _ Proper igniters being used.
M007 _ _ Electrical equipment grounded.
M008 _ _ Power cables protected and in good repair.
M009 _ _ Rod holders in good condition.
M010 _ _ Adequate fire extinguishers withinreach.
M011 _ _ Welding or cutting area free of fire hazards.
M012 _ _ Flammable/combustible material protected.
M013 _ _ Gas cylinders chained upright and separated.
M014 _ _ Protection to prevent slag from falling on workers.
M015 _ _ Gas lines protected and in good condition.


Electrical Installations
N001 _ _ Adequate ground in main electrical system.
N002 _ _ Adequate wiring, well insulated.
N003 _ _ GFCI or other assured equipment grounding provided.
N004 _ _ Circuits labelled in breaker panel.
N005 _ _ Lockout / Tag out program in place.
N006 _ _ Lockout / Tag out program being followed.
N007 _ _ Receptacle right for proper voltage.
N008 _ _ Connections and junction boxes covered properly.
N009 _ _ Proper cords being used.
N010 _ _ Cords in good condition.
N011 _ _ Qualified employees doing electrical work.
N012 _ _ Temporary light guards being used.
N013 _ _ Electrical dangers posted.


Scaffolding -- Fixed
P001 _ _ Erection under competent person.
P002 _ _ Structural members adequate for use.
P003 _ _ Connections adequate.
P004 _ _ Secured to structure.
P005 _ _ Ladders provided for access and egress.
P006 _ _ Ladders and working areas free of debris, snow, ice, grease, tripping hazards.
P007 _ _ Proper footing provided.
P008 _ _ Passers-by protected from falling objects.
P009 _ _ Overhead protection provides when overhead hazards exist.
P010 _ _ Supports plumb, adequate cross-bracing provided.
P011 _ _ Guard-rails and toe boards in place
P012 _ _ Ropes and cables in good condition.
P013 _ _ Properly inspected.


Q001 _ _ Ladders inspected and in good condition.
Q002 _ _ Ladders not spliced.
Q003 _ _ Double cleated ladders when serving more than 25 workers or two-way traffic.
Q004 _ _ Properly secured -- tied off.
Q005 _ _ Side rails on ladders extend three feet above top landing.
Q006 _ _ Job built ladders built of sound material.
Q007 _ _ Rungs not over 12 inches on center.
Q008 _ _ Length not over 24 feet.
Q009 _ _ Shoes on single and extension ladders.
Q010 _ _ Insulated ladders used around electrical hazards.
Q011 _ _ Stepladders fully opened and locked when in use.
Q012 _ _ Proper maintenance and storage.



Company Name:                                           

Job Address:                                                  


Safety Field Rep.:                                          

Excavation and shoring

Call utilities regarding lines in proposed excavation area

Code No Yes  
R001 _ _ Hard hats.
R002 _ _ Safety glasses.
R003 _ _ Safety shoes.
R004 _ _ Frequent inspection by competen tperson.
R005 _ _ Shoring of adjacent structures.
R006 _ _ Shoring and sheeting or sloping as needed for soil and depth.
R007 _ _ Public sidewalks and roads supported and protected.
R008 _ _ Proper barricades, warning and rails at edges of excavation.
R009 _ _ Material not too close to the edge of excavation.
R010 _ _ Ramps and planks have cleats.
R011 _ _ Lighting at night.
R012 _ _ Subsurface water controlled.
R013 _ _ Adequate drainage of water.
R014 _ _ Equipment safe distance from excavation edge.
R015 _ _ Equipment ramps adequate, slope not too steep.
R016 _ _ Ladder or stairs provided.
R017 _ _ Traffic control around excavation, workers wearing proper reflective clothing.
R018 _ _ Dust protection.
R019 _ _ Audible back-up warning on heavy equipment.
R020 _ _ Employees working safe distance from equipment.
R021 _ _ Air quality tested if over four feet.
R022 _ _ Rescue equipment when needed.
R023 _ _  



Company Name:                                           

Job Address:                                                  


Safety Field Rep.:                                          

Heavy equipment

Call utilities regarding lines in proposed excavation area.

Code No Yes  
S001 _ _ Seat belts in place and being worn.
S002 _ _ Audible back-up alarm.
S003 _ _ Lights for night time use.
S004 _ _ Broken glass or windows.
S005 _ _ Rollover protection.
S006 _ _ Regular inspection and maintenance.
S007 _ _ Lubrication and repair of moving parts.
S008 _ _ Lights, brakes, warning signals operative.
S009 _ _ Wheels choked when necessary.
S010 _ _ Haul roads well maintained and laid out properly.
S011 _ _ Protection when equipment not in use.




Company Name:                                           

Job Address:                                                  


Safety Field Rep.:                                          

Code No Yes  
V001 _ _ Has confined space entry permit been completed and posted?
V002 _ _ Ladders, stairs adequate and safe.
V003 _ _ Top of shaft barricade, toe boards provided.
V004 _ _ Adequate lighting.
V005 _ _ Adequate ventilation.
V006 _ _ Inspection and maintenance of elevators and hoists.
V007 _ _ Signals being used, communication.
V008 _ _ Shoring and bracing


W001 _ _ Has confined space entry permit been completed and posted?
W002 _ _ Adequate ventilation.
W003 _ _ Adequate lighting.
W004 _ _ Good housekeeping.
W005 _ _ Tunnel supports.
W006 _ _ Electrical lines.
W007 _ _ Operation of hauling equipment.
W008 _ _ Proper personal protection (PPE).
W009 _ _ Dust protection.
W010 _ _ Air quality sampled &verified.
W011 _ _ Proper transportation of personnel.
W012 _ _ Drilling safely observed.




  1. Policy

    It is the policy of this company that employees attend and participate in the scheduled safety meetings. The employees will be expected to conduct these meetings. If the employees are not leading a discussion, they are still expected to actively participate.

  2. Purpose

    The purpose of the safety meeting is to stimulate, promote and communicate safety and health issues and to co-ordinate past, present and future safety and health efforts.

    These meetings should be used to promote safety consciousness, hazard awareness and a forum for most of the needed training. It provides an opportunity to discuss identified problems and as a group develop corrective action.

    Components of a quality safety meeting are as follows:
    • Well planned.
    • Management participation.
    • Amply time allotment.
    • Employee participation.
    • Relevant information.
    • Suitable time and place.
      Quality safety meetings have many more benefits than improving the safety and health of employees.
    • Better communication between Supervisors and employees.
    • Demonstrates management's sincerity to employee issues and concerns.
    • Demonstrates safety is an employee responsibility.
    • Employee issues are more easily resolved.
      The following is a description of the safety meeting structure and meeting guidelines for (Your Company).

  3. Job Site Safety Meetings
    1. Tailgate Safety Meetings (Daily)

      The Supervisor or designated employee will facilitate a short meeting before the start of each work day. This meeting should be used to supplement the formal safety meeting. This meeting allows for task demonstration and hands-on instruction on topics relevant to that day’s work assignments.

    2. Supervisor/Employee Formal Safety Meeting (Monthly)

      Monthly, each Supervisor should facilitate a formal safety meeting with the employees assigned to his crew. This meeting should be conducted by the employees. The Supervisor should delegate responsibility and provide information, when needed, on the employees assigned subject matter. This meeting should follow the safety meeting guidelines listed below.

    3. President/Supervisor Safety Meeting

      Monthly, (The President) and the Supervisors should attend and participate in a safety meeting. The information generated from the Supervisor/Employee meetings should be reviewed at this time. This is also the time to evaluate incident trends, training, inspections and Job Safety Analysis.

      Monthly, (The President), if at all possible, will attend a Supervisor/Employee safety meeting. The purpose is to audit the content and value of the meeting and demonstrate the importance management places on the safety and health of the employees. It also gives management the opportunity to answer questions and solicit recommendations for improvements.

  4. Safety Meeting Guidelines
    1. Establish a basic meeting agenda with specific dates and times of planned meetings.
    2. Review injuries and near-miss incidents to insure employees are aware and in agreement as to the proper corrective action.
    3. Review the previous month’s inspections of the area of jobsite and discuss corrective action for items found to be substandard.
    4. Communicate the status and reason for outstanding safety items, particularly if over 45 days old.
    5. Solicit employee input in the development of future goals and objectives. Continually review status of current goals and objectives.
    6. Review a minimum of one work related standard.
    7. Review of one complete JSA.
    8. Review a minimum of one MSDS.
    9. Review employee suggestions, questions and recommendations from previous month's safety meetings.
    10. Communicate information discussed in other company safety meetings.
    11. Discuss Task Safety Observations, both past and future.
    12. Discuss Safety Contact topics from previous month and get suggestions for new topics for the upcoming month.
  5. Conducting a Successful Meeting
    1. Prepare in advance.
    2. Pick a suitable time and place.
    3. Establish ground rules.
    4. Establish agenda.
    5. Conduct meeting, not show.
    6. Review only information relevant to the group.
    7. Use participation drills and activities.
    8. Encourage employee involvement (assign employees a portion of the meeting).
    9. Address employee concerns.
    10. Invite guest speakers.
    11. Use current video's, examples overheads, etc.


Safety Meeting Minutes

Presenter: Date:

Job Safety Analysis (Attach copy of JSA) and/or Topic



Incident Review (Attach Copy of Incident Investigation Form)



Questions and Suggestions



Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Reviewed (Attach copy of MSDS)



Inspections Reviewed (Attach Copies of Inspections Reviewed)



As one of the undersigned, I am acknowledging that I have been trained in and fully understand the topics discussed in this safety meeting.

Print Name Signature



  1. Policy
    It is the policy of (Your Company) that injuries, no matter how minor, be reported IMMEDIATELY to the On-Site Supervisor or the most immediately available company Supervisor. In addition, equipment damage or near-miss incidents should be reported as soon as possible. The depth of the investigation at (Your Company) will be determined not only by the seriousness of the injury but by the potential seriousness and probability of reoccurrence.

    (Your Company) subscribes to the philosophy that accidents are preventable.

  2. Incident Reporting Responsibilities & Process
    1. Employee
      1. Report injuries or potential injuries immediately to the Supervisor or available Supervisor.
      2. Report near-miss or equipment damage incidents as soon as possible to the Supervisor or available Supervisor.
      3. Complete the employee portion of incident reporting form.
    2. Supervisor
      1. The Supervisor will be responsible to report injury accidents to (The President) as soon as possible but no later than the end of the work day.
      2. Complete and return the SUPERVISOR’S REPORT OF INJURY within 24 hours.
      3. Distribute the SUPERVISOR’S REPORT OF INJURY to (The President) for review and distribution.
    3. (Bookkeeper/Secretary)
      1. File all injury and first aid injury reports.
      2. Update the OSHA 300 log as necessary.

    4. The general purpose is to identify and correct deficiencies to prevent reoccurrence. Simply stated, if an incident is not reported it cannot be corrected.

      Although personal injury incidents are usually reported, near miss incidents are typically not. Listed below are few of the reasons employees fail to report:

      • Fear of discipline.
      • Concern about personal record and /or reputation.
      • Avoidance of paperwork.
      • Poor understanding of importance.
      • Lack of concern by Supervisor.

      To improve reporting, Supervisors and employees should discuss the purpose, benefits and requirements of reporting injury and non-injury incidents.

  3. After an Injury is Reported
    1. Call for Help
    2. Immediately report injury to the Supervisor or designated person.
    3. Make the area safe (ensure rescuers and bystanders cannot become additional victims).
    4. Provide appropriate medical assistance. Do not move the injured person.
    5. Secure the area, save any material and evidence that might be important to the incident investigation.
  4. Incident Investigation

    After an incident has occurred, the investigation should start as soon as possible. Incident investigation process is as follows:
    1. Responsibilities

      The Supervisor of the injured employee should organize and lead the investigation. A team should be formed consisting of employees, Supervisor and in some cases, (The President). This investigation should be completed within 24 to 48 hours after the incident has been reported. The investigation process is as follows:

    2. Investigation Process
      1. Start the completion of the SUPERVISOR’S REPORT OF INJURY and supplemental investigation form. (The President) will be responsible for distribution of all copies.
      2. Interview injured employee as soon as possible.
      3. Interview witnesses as soon as possible.
      4. Take pictures of accident site from various angles (where appropriate).
      5. Determine immediate causes.
      6. Determine contributing causes.
      7. Identify which areas of the Accident Prevention Plan failed (Inspections, JSA, Training, attitude, etc.).
      8. Develop corrective action.
      9. Distribute completed accident investigation information.
      10.  Assign responsibility for corrective action.
      11. Follow up.

    3. Interview Process
      Interviewing accident/injury victims and witnesses can be a difficult job if not handled properly. Interview employees as soon as possible, while the incident is fresh in their minds. After a period of time, it is possible to rationalize what might have or could have happened.

      Many employees believe incidents investigations are a fault-finding action rather than a fact-finding process. The individual being interviewed often is fearful and reluctant relate all the facts about the incident. This is due mainly to the narrow focus of most incident investigations that concentrate more on the unsafe acts of employees and rarely on the management practices which allow and sometimes reward similar employee behavior. The following guidelines are recommended:
      1. Discuss the purpose of the investigation and interview (fact not fault finding) before an incident occurs, possibly during the safety meeting. You are letting the employees know, this is your Standard Operating Procedure. By doing this, the employees will expect it and should respond more readily.
      2. Don't ask any leading questions, such as "Did you lift more than you could safely handle?"
      3. Have the individual relate his/her version of the incident with minimal interruptions, preferably alone, so his/her interpretation will not influence anyone else's. If the individual being interviewed is the one who was injured, ask what was being done, where and how it was being done and what happened.
      4. Ask questions to clarify or fill in any gaps.
      5. The interviewer should then repeat the facts to clarify them with the witnesses and employees involved to avoid any misunderstandings.
      6. Ask the person being interviewed what they think can be done to prevent reoccurrence.
      7. Note the employees’ health, clothing and job knowledge at the time of the incident.
      8. Record all facts and opinions no matter how irrelevant they may appear.
      9. Document all observable facts at the scene. Some examples are the environment (slippery floors, lights, dust); the equipment and tools (guarding, maintenance, defects); materials involved (size, shape and weight); and safety equipment and devices including PPE.

    4. Investigation Follow Up
      The investigation is not complete until the Supervisors and employees verify other employees are not using the same methods which caused the incident being investigated. The investigation report should be reviewed at safety meetings to communicate findings and corrective action. (The President) should verify corrective action had been completed.

      Incident investigation is not incident prevention. Prevention of similar incidents is dependent on the proper corrective actions developed and follow-up to insure implementation.
      How the follow up is handled will send a strong message, positive or negative, about the company's safety attitude.

  5. General
    Why is the proper reporting and investigation of incidents so important to the success of the safety program? That question can be best answered by analyzing the correlation between major, minor, near-miss incidents and errors.

    Incident Ratio
    Recordable or lost time injury  1
    Minor injury - First aid required  10
    Property damage - work disruption  30
    Near-miss - no injury incident  300
    Errors (unsafe acts or conditions)  15000

    The above ratio is an average for the possibility of chance or risk. When an unsafe act or condition occurs, generally nothing happens. But, as is shown, it is only a matter of time before property damage or personal injury occur. This indicates the correction of errors, sometimes viewed as little things, is critical to accident prevention.

    With this said, it becomes apparent why safety is primarily an employee problem and responsibility. Who knows better than the employee their job skills. Who knows better than the employee whether the rules and procedures are followed. Who knows better than the employee unsafe conditions that may exist. The answer is very apparent -- NOBODY· More importantly, if an injury occurs who will suffer the consequences? THE EMPLOYEE.

    Another key, is the development and implementation of the actions necessary to prevent reoccurrence. To develop these actions, contributing as well as immediate causes need to be identified.

    The following example will demonstrate the difference between immediate and contributing causes. It will show how an accident is usually an indicator that employees and Supervisors either do not understand or have accepted their individual responsibilities.

An employee falls off an extension ladder. The initial investigation indicates:

  • Unsafe act: Employee climbed a defective ladder.
  • Unsafe condition: Defective ladder (broken rung, no safety feet)
  • Corrective action: Instruct the employee in proper use of a ladder. Get rid of the defective ladder.

Now, the investigation of the same accident using multiple causation (contributing causes). A series of questions need to be asked:

  • Why was the defective ladder not identified during the inspection process? Have other employees used the same defective ladder?
  • Has the proper use of ladders been discussed formally or informally? Are there other defective ladders in use?
  • Do employees and Supervisors consistently follow and enforce other rules, procedures and/or safe practices?
  • Are employees taking responsibility for safety and does management reinforce that philosophy?

The answer to these and other questions will provide us means to develop corrective action that eliminates reoccurrence of the real problems. In this example, corrective action may be:

  • Improved inspection procedures.
  • Better definition of employee responsibilities.
  • Better response to identified unsafe equipment.
  • More frequent audits by Supervisor and managers.
  • Reinforcing safety is primarily an employee responsibility and condition of employment.
  • Develop or review the ladder standard or safe work practice.


Usually, unsafe acts or conditions are not isolated instances. Typically, similar deficiencies can be found in other areas of the safety program and Organization as well. Statistically, 85% of injury accidents are preceded by one or more near-miss incidents. This simply indicates that the vast majority of accidents and injuries can be identified and eliminated if employees and management work together and accept their individual safety responsibility.


Employee’s Name
Date of Occurrence




Incident Investigation and Near Miss Analysis

What happened? (Describe in detail, task performed, tools, equipment and materials involved)



Describe any unsafe acts and conditions that may have contributed to the incident.



Was the task performed part of the employee’s regular job? (If no explain.)



Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Describe the PPE required for the task being investigated.



Was this PPE available to the employee? (If no explain.)



Was the employee wearing all PPE required? (If no explain.)




Rules, Procedures and Safe Work Practices

Is there a written/verbal procedure, rule or safe work practice for the involved task?


Did the employee follow recommended method or procedure? (If no explain.)


If no, were there any extenuating circumstances that caused the employee to deviate from the recommended method?


Are the rules, procedures, safe work practices and PPE requirements understood and enforced consistently? (If no explain.)




Has the employee been trained in the rules and safe work methods pertaining to the involved task? (If no /explain.


If yes how and approximately how long since last trained?


Are other employees using the same work habits/methods involved in this incident? yes explain.)






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