Specialty Admitted Insurance
How Can We Assist You Today?
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I am a Policyholder
About Us
Falls Lake Insurance® underwrites specialty lines of insurance on an admitted and non-admitted basis. Falls Lake Insurance is the only admitted insurance platform of James River Group, Inc., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of James River Group Holdings, Ltd. Falls Lake Insurance is comprised of Falls Lake National Insurance Company, Stonewood Insurance Company, and Falls Lake Fire and Casualty Company. Our distribution system is a hybrid model, including both direct to retail agency products and partnerships with select specialized program administrators. The companies are broadly licensed for product, including both commercial and personal lines, throughout the United States.

Specialty Admitted Individual Risk
Distributed through appointed independent agents in southeastern and midwestern states and issued by Stonewood Insurance Company and Falls Lake National Insurance Company, we underwrite Workers’ Compensation insurance for defined industry segments. Falls Lake Insurance is a full-service carrier with in-house claims, loss control, and underwriting. We pay competitive commissions and provide our appointed agents with a contingent commission opportunity. If you are interested in more information about product, appetites, or an appointment, please contact marketing@fallslakeins.com.

Specialty Programs and Fronting
We partner with established Insurance Companies & MGA/MGUs to support their product needs. Our partners will benefit from the breadth of our licensure, product filings, financial rating, and in-house capabilities. We will consider assuming a risk position on the business or acting as a pure front. We deliver specialization and focus to meet the specific needs of MGAs and reinsurers. For more information, please contact specialtyadmittedprograms@fallslakeins.com.