Loss Control Resource Library

Auto Dealership:
- Binding Arbitration
- Completed Operations and Product Liability Risks
- Contract and Non-Contract Drivers
- Dealership Management Practices
- Demonstrator Policy and Agreement
- Employee Dishonesty
- General Liability Exposure. Subcontractors
- Negligent Entrustment
- Premises Liability
- Protection of Data Processing Equipment and Media
- Self Inspection Program
- Service Loaner Guidelines
- Spot Deliveries
- Test Drive Procedures
- Vehicle Safety Program
- Wholesale and Retail Transaction

Construction Industry:
- Asphalt and Pitch Roofing
- Asphalt
- Basics of Construction-Contractor Jobsite Safety
- Carpet Layer Safety
- Concrete Burns
- Concrete Construction Safety
- Construction Site Hygiene
- Contractor Safety
- Dropped Objects
- Drywall Installation
- Drywall Safety
- Flagger Safety on Construction Sites
- Flat Roofing Safety
- High Wind Dangers - Construction
- Rebar-Impalement Protection
- Roofing Safety
- Roofing-Heat-Hazards
- Sheet Metal Worker Safety
- Steel Framing
- Striking Fixed Objects
- Struck-by Incidents (Construction)
- Structural Iron and Steel Worker Safety
- Teamwork in Construction Activities
- Unloading Trailers (Construction)
- "Use Your Head, Wear Your Hard Hat"
- Working Safely with Concrete and Cement

Ergonomics Safety:
- Awkward Posture
- Back Injury and Prevention
- Cumulative Trauma Disorders
- Dangers of Excessive Sitting
- Don't Take Back Problems Sitting Down
- "Ergonomic Breaks, Rest Periods and Stretches"
- Ergonomics
- Force Exertion
- Lifting
- Preventing Back Injuries
- Repetitive Motion Injuries
- Safe Lifting Techniques
- The 3 Keys to Preventing Back Injuries
- Vibration
- Workplace Ergonomics-Carpal Tunnel-Repetitive Motion-Cumulative Trauma Injuries

Excavation/Trenching Safety:

Fall Protection:
- Fall Protection
- Fall Protection 2
- Fall Protection Working at Heights
- Falls
- Falls On The Same Level
- Falls (Construction Industry)
- Ladder Safety
- Scaffold Safety
- Slips and Falls - Avoid Slip - Ups
- Suspension Trauma
- Training Requirements for Fall Protection
- Trip Injuries and Prevention
- Walking-Working Surfaces

General Industry Safety:
- Aerial Platform Safety
- Arc Welding Safety
- Basics of Preventing Eye Injuries
- Caught or Crushed Injuries
- Confined Space Checklist
- Electric Equipment Gaurding and Workspaces
- Electric Pallet Jacks
- Electric Tools - Grounds for Concerns
- Electrical Safety
- Electrical Safety - Know the Ground Rules
- Emergency Eyewash Stations
- Emergency Showers
- Emphasis on Confined Space
- Establishing a Housekeeping Program
- First Aid
- Fixed Objects
- Fixed Open Blade Knives
- HDPE Pipe Welding
- Loading Dock Safety
- Machine Guarding Basics
- New Equipment
- Overhead Shop Crane Safety
- Pinch Points and Hand Injuries
- Plumbing Safety
- Practicing Good Housekeeping
- Safe Handling of Portable Power Drills
- Safety Rules for Power Tools
- Site Safety Inspections
- Take Care with Compressed Air
- The Silent Dangers of Confined Space
- Three Types of Poor Housekeeping Hazards
- Warehouse Safety
- Welding Safely
- Welding
- Working Safely Around Electricity

Hazard Communication & Safety:
- Battery Handling Safety
- Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
- Bloodbourne Pathogens
- Chemical Storage is a Matter of Safety and Common Sense
- Compressed Gas Cylinder (CGC) Safety
- Cross Contamination
- Diesel Exhaust
- Establishing a Hazard Communication Program
- Painter Safety 1
- Painter Safety 2
- Safe Handling of Flammable Liquids
- Safe Storage and Disposal of Oil or Solvent Soaked Rags
- Safety Data Sheet
- Silica Dust
- Spill Prevention and Response
- Spray Painting Safety
- Wood Dust Exposure
- Working Safely with Chemicals
- Working Safely with Corrosives

Personal Protective Equipment:

Respirator Protection:

Safety Management:
- Are You Prepared For An Emergency
- Assigning Responsibilities
- Attitude
- Basic Elements of a Safety Program
- Battling Complacency
- Before Work Tasks Begin
- Clothing
- Communicating Issues
- Communication and Safety
- Communication Tools and Safety
- Common Workplace Injuries
- Controlling the Costs of Serious Employee Injuries
- Cost of Drugs on the Job
- "Cuts, Lacerations, and Punctures"
- Developing Effective Safety Rules and Regulations
- Developing a Loss Control Program
- Don't Miss the Near-Misses
- General Office Safety
- Good Enough Mindset
- Heat Stress
- Heat Stroke
- Hydration The Importance of Water
- Loss Control Policy Statement
- Office Safety
- Personal Hygiene
- Personal Safety in Public Places
- Proactive Return to Work
- Punctures and Cuts
- Report All Injuries
- Safety Audits
- Safety Communications
- Safety is a Common Language
- Severity and Frequency
- Sharpen Your Safety Awareness
- Skin Protection
- Sleep Deprivation
- Stay Safe at All Hours
- Substance Abuse in the Workplace
- Sun Protection - No Skin Off Your Nose
- The Aging Workforce
- The Uninsured-Hidden-Costs of Accidents
- Types of Injuries - How Workers Get Hurt
- Uninsured Subcontractors Can Carry a High Price
- Wash Your Hands - Give Yourself A Hand
- Why Safety Programs Fail
- Working Against Violence
- Working Alongside Subcontractors
- Workplace Inspections
- Workplace Distractions
- Zero Injuries in the Workplace

Sample Safety Programs:
- Accident Investigation and Prevention Program
- Accident Prevention Plan
- Developing a Training Program for Powered Industrial Truck Operators
- Implementing a Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
- Lockout Tagout Program
- Personal Protective Equipment Sample Lesson Plan
- Respiratory Protection Plan
- Sample Lesson Plan_Electrical OSHA 10 hr
- Sample Early Return To Work Policy
- Sample Written Plan for Fire Prevention Plan
- Self-Inspection Program

Transportation Safety:
- Aggressive Driving
- Avoiding Rollover Accidents
- Backing Up Motor Vehicle Safety
- Basic Driving Practices
- Chocking and Blocking Safety
- Defensive Driving
- Distracted Driving
- Distracted Driving (Cellphone Use)
- Distracted While Walking
- Driving In Adverse Conditions
- Dump Truck Overturn
- Entering and Exiting Vehicles Safely
- Flagger Safety
- Fleet Loss Control Program
- Negotiating Curves
- Negotiating Downgrades
- Passing
- Rear-End Collisions
- Right of Way
- Safety - Dump Truck Operations
- Seatbelts
- Start up Back up
- Tire Wear
- Traffic Control Safety
- Transporting Liquids
- Truck Tarping
- Turning Left and Right
- Using and Changing Lanes
- Vehicle Backing
- Vehicles for Worker Transport
- Vehicle Inspections
- Wear your Seatbelt
- Winter Driving